

Monday, September 12, 2011

Get It Together

        Is anyone else sick of the headline, "Stocks swing wildly on fears of Euro collapse"  or is it just me? Just like America, if the European Union wants to navigate successfully out of this economic catastrophe it really needs to get it together. Akin to American politicians, dog racing, and a bunch of chickens with their heads cut-off, the European countries who are best equipped to handle this situation just cannot freaking come through on a solution to head off this crisis once and for all.

       Like an ostrich, Great Britain has its head in the sand. Though they smartly stuck with the Pound, they are still part of the Union and just like the rest of the world has a vested interest in NOT watching the Euro collapse. So why are they so content to sit on their island and quietly watch the continent race around the track without a jockey? Oh yeah...they are also running at record deficits (which in a recession screw the deficit), with unemployment problems, and the gambit. But still, come on, do not just sit on your thumbs.

     And you ask, "Well what about the Germans?" They are too busy pontificating about the importance of living within your means as a country, and making those austerity measures work...or else! Or else what? To me they sound like our own Republican party...delusional. If you think cutting everything to the bare bones will solve all problems, well my friend just pick up any of Paul "The Cool Man" Krugman's brilliant works or just his most recent article in the New York Times. We had a time without regulation and social was called the Gilded Age and it sounded awful...but you really should read about it yourself if you do not believe me. Bringing me to my unemployed self's point.

FOCUS ON CREATING JOBS! The incessant issue about this deficit is getting ridiculous. Guess what....your grandchildren will not be paying off our debt. Get over it. Really...also people HAVE TO start admitting that part of the reason we are in this mess is war fighting, continually cutting taxes on wealthy and corporation, etc...And people have to start admitting why the WHOLE WORLD was hit by the 2008 recession...The general irresponsibility of large banks and wall street. What is happening in Europe would have been avoidable...what a tragedy...but come on so could it have been in the US. People need to get it together...stop being political opportunists (ehem, Eric Cantor) and megalomaniacs. Fellow citizens....I beg of not fall into the trap our politicians want...demand a singular focus on job creation...not deficit reduction....and so far Obama has come up with a game plan. Now I will call republicans bluff. Give us a substantive plan yourself. Better yet, I challenge you to do this without bringing up deficit reduction once.

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