

Friday, April 11, 2014

They gonna find you!

      In the immortally alarmist wisdom of Antoine Dodson, "Hide yo kids, hide yo wife," you can hear the echoes of the ridiculous logic followed by the right wing media's response to the announcement of David Letterman's replacement.....Stephen Colbert. Apparently this transition will usher in the end of American life and values as we know it. The ugly, hateful, lie-spewing, homosexual loving, casual sex-practicing, immigrant copulating, God hating, abortion encouraging, poverty supporting, anti-gun pushing,and last but not least joint smoking liberals will complete their takeover of mainstream media in the form of a late night talk show host who mostly asks Hollywood celebrity's their deepest, darkest secrets while listening to some upcoming indie band. Holy crimney this is it! Dodson was right, "Hide yo husbands too, because their rapin' errybody out here!" This could possibly beginning of our dystopian future, according to the right-wingers. The end of civilization as we know it. So, before I go hide in my remote bunker, well stocked with guns, ammo, food and water, none of which you all can have because I do not give out free handouts, I am going to try and wrap my head around how serious this is. So please, I really hope Ben Shapiro, Rush Limbaugh, and Justin Green have time to take note of my logic as well.

     First of all, fresh off a brilliant as always Margaret Atwood trilogy based in such a future envisioned by those who are paid millions of dollars to scare the literal shit out of their listeners, I find their point of view laughable. This in the mist of another BP oil spill in Lake Michigan (fresh water that millions depend on for drinking), millions of dollars being spent by corporations and their billionaire owners in elections across the country, Russia potentially on the verge of taking over an independent country in an eerily similar way to Germany in WWII, the "Heartbleed" virus and I could really go on. But seriously, with all the shit going on in the world that we should worry about, they are going with Stephen Colbert? Aside from the fact that everyday is more and more like the Maddaddam Trilogy, I guess I needed the comedy relief the predictable blow hard anger CBS's decision induced. Because there really is important shit going on out there in this world.

    In total disgust that these snake oil salesmen make millions diverting our attention from what is actually important, I am calling total and utter bullshit to this unbelievable theory. They are not any more harbingers of truth than me being able to read my shit to predict the future. My real fear, what really makes me want to go hide-away in my bunker, is that there is an audience for the filth they spew from their own hands and mouth. That people who are paid to preach and write intolerance and hate, in addition to justifying it from others, have an audience in and of itself is proof that humanity its "values" are alive and well. Here to stay and no better than we were in the dark ages. So excuse me while I follow more Antoine Dodson's warning, "He's climbin' in yo windows snatchin' up people." I have always and will always fear the way I live my life and want to live my life is more in danger from the white male than anything else in this world.