

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Art of Perfection

   In the early years of our relationship, my husband (who is always into his job/career, actually into what he is doing, which is great) was doing some class/job training which entailed the popular at the moment, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." It drove me crazy. Every conversation, even those of the mundane topic, turned into a lesson of what Stephen Covey would do. Now my husband, boyfriend at the time, was just trying to be the best person possible and he like many out there, believed that Stephen could help him in this mission. The problem however, was that I thought he was already a great person. He did not need Stephen or Tony Robinson for that matter to tell him anything. He was already and always has been a genuine person, who works hard, and lives life according to values and principles a majority of people do not have. He is not rigid by any means it is just how and who he is, and I lucked out big time when I snagged him. (Which as a directionless spirit still amazes me!)
       So getting back to why I was bothered, well essentially, why I wanted to call Stephen Covey himself and shove his 7 habits where the sun does not shine and for that matter any self help or advice book for that matter, is because these people make a ton of money off telling others they need their help because they are not good enough just being who they are. It is like the multitude of parenting books, which I am convinced is leading to a generation of neurotic children being raised by neurotic parents who are being told on daily basis that what they are doing is not good enough by some "expert" author or another. I can just see the next title beyond the horizon, "How to Properly Wipe Your Kids Ass: Because if you do it wrong the consequence can be dire!" We are becoming a society who cannot do anything right, but if we just spend $400 on this seminar, on this magic weight-loss program, on this book, listen to this person all will be right in my world.

     Here is where I am sorry. I am sorry because this is not how life works. Nothing works according to how it is supposed to and anyone who has planned a party, wedding, or anything understands that there are is an enormous amount of issues beyond our control. No matter how hard we try, life can throw literal shit or rainbows at you and there is a different way to deal with each one of them. Stephen, Tony, Orpah, and Gweneth Paltrow cannot tell you how to handle it, they are not giving you "tools" to cope because everyone is different. I absolutely hate it when people say, "I am just trying to be the best person I can be." We need to try just being if we want to be the best person possible, because in the words of one my dearest friends, "here's the deal"- We have a hard enough time being mindful of the present moment we are in. We are constantly being told by society that we need to be "here" when in fact that might not be the right moment to be "there" so how at the present moment do we understand where we need to be? To break it down in the simplest analogy, it is not always safe to clime, to venture forward, to dive deeper. Sometimes we need to be on plateau, stand still, or stay in the shallow waters and that is fine.

   It is like F. Scott Fitzgerald said so very poignantly all that time ago, "So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past." We are so focused on moving forward against the current, hell bent on not letting our past determine what and who we are because we are told it is what we must do by "everyone who knows everything about life." But not acknowledging the past means you are not moving forward ironically. Nobody knows you like you. No one knows your deepest darkest desires, your aspirations, your dreams like you do. Sometimes things come along in life and force or coax you to change those. It could be a human, an experience, or a situation all beyond your control. That is just it, sometimes it is beyond your control, how do you let go? How do fall so helplessly and greedily in love when that means losing some control? How do live in the present moment with abandon pleasure or pain if it means pushing back or letting go of an arbitrary goal that causes you stress and anxiety?

   I might not know a lot about a lot :) But what I do know is that most people are just looking for a way to just live. Because, essentially that is all we can do. I admire that more than I admire the "goals" junkies who puts on blinders and plows through life never really surrendering to the ultimate pleasure of just being. Because you are not only robbing yourself of essential human experiences, you are robbing those around you from every emotion they are trying to give you, love, happiness, togetherness, sadness, everything essential about human beings. I truly believe we are connected to each other through our experiences, positive and negative. Thankfully my husband quickly ended his quest to obtain those damn 7 habits, and though he still can't help but quote Tony Robbins (I gotta admit he does seem nice) every once in awhile our joys, sadness, debates, and just discussion are hashed out by the two of us dictated by who we are in the present moment. It is just the two of us in our boat, trying to navigate the waters towards an uncertain future just like everybody else because, the hard truth is that the future is uncertain for everyone, no matter what your habits or goals happen to be. Welcome to life ladies and gentlemen, put down the propaganda and start living because, I am sure you are wiping your kids ass in the proper manner.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Begging to be Heard

Dear United States Government (and I mean everyone involved in it),

    After going through my monthly mental budget process, I decided to do something that I hate doing, should not have done, but unfortunately I did it anyway. You see, I looked at the amount of interest I paid the last year on my student loans. Then I went one depressing step further and decided to look at how my monthly payments were applied. If you really want to feel like you are drowning with no way out, I suggest you experience this once in your lifetime.

   Now, it is not that my loans are not manageable, they are. Furthermore, I have always paid them without complaint really, because they are my loans and I took them out knowing how much I would pay them back. However, the older I get the more upsetting it is since this problem never gets better. You see, looking at it opens a whole other can of worms of an array of situations that while not necessarily making the problem worse, never helps. I will start with my personal background. If my husband died, I would be screwed. I do not make enough in my 2 jobs to pay a mortgage or rent, buy myself insurance, pay my car payment or student loans. We are lucky so far (and I really do the sign of the cross as I say this bc my husband works in the corporate world. A world increasingly harsh, inconsistent, lacking a certain humaneness in decision making, and ever bowing to overly demanding shareholders....when I hear the world lay-off I almost start hyperventilating. Thanks to your inability to keep any sort of rational aura in regards to our economy.) The main reason I do not get to contribute much financially to my marriage is that I am paid a fairly low wage. About as much as an airport fast food worker in Seattle to be exact. It is hard, it is embarrassing, but I don't mind my job. I get to do so many more things than the average specialized worker in America who only has one skill (not that being able to do what I do is valued). Anyways, back to the point. Part of the reason I never get a raise is that every year the taxes, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, licensing fees, and God really anything having to do with bureaucratic nothingness costs goes up. Here is the cruel ironic part of it, and you are fooling yourself if you think I am crazy. It does not matter who is in office, Republican or Democratic, you are all unfriendly to micro-business. I have seen very successful "small" business with hundreds of workers get tax breaks and loans from the government for little to no other reason than campaign contributions or agreeing to do something they had already planned on doing. All the while I have to fight with the State of WI or City of Milwaukee just to be able to do business, be in business, and all the while trying to deal with all the other aspect of the job. All the while you, our fair Government, sits there an schmoozes with your donors who have zero connection to reality, not to mention self-awareness. Kill me if I ever become a white angry overly-rich man in an unshapely business suit. Jeez, we can't do better than that for influence?

  One a scale of 10-1, one being the lowest, ten the highest, I give you government a 3. Here is a quick rundown of why I am 100% certain you are all failing the American people, from President Obama, to Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi to Scott Walker, and even those of you running for office. You do nothing to fix problems. You can't do anything to fix problem because you have let politicization and partisanship get sorely out of hand. You people could and would turn a freaking paper cut into a polarizing political debate. The paper cut me because conservatives do not care about index fingers. No, the paper is a democrat because it wanted to cute off my middle finger to make it the same size as the rest of my fingers! (Yeah if it sounds stupid, it is supposed to, because it sounds like you people) Not to mention you have not solved any problem of anything for anybody. I have seen my 2 year old niece and nephew settle a dispute more diplomatically than you ever even attempt. I also would not want to discount how horrible whatever convoluted solutions you propose to certain problems that actually end up existing. Why can't I get a lower rate on my student loans again? What is the rate at which the federal government borrows money, what was in 2009 and 2003? How come my car loan and mortgage loans rates added up do not even come close to my student loan rate? How come I have to pay the city of Milwaukee a fee for another redundant license? How come the State of WI is hell bent on creating new problems on a daily basis making doing business sooooo hard?

   The ultimate questions, is why can't we do this better? All our politicians care about are their stupid pet issues. In our government there seems to be about as much intellectual curiosity as the Kardashian household. I dare one of you to actually come up with some sort of solution to a real issue faced by this country. I know President Obama and the democrats cares about really really poor people and really really rich people. I know most Republicans care about really really really really rich people and those who are religious and really old. I know Libertarians only care about themselves. Can someone actually step forward that cares about us who are in-between? People who wake up every morning and go to work. Pay their bills on time, all the while praying disaster does not strike this week, month or year. People who pay their taxes and are not asking for much. People who deserve a place at the table because even though we are  not the richest or the poorest, we still are the one driving the economy for better or worse and it is scary. It is scary because we are driving a car with no brakes, seat belts or laws of the road, and when we crash I hope all the blame is placed squarely on your obstinate shoulders with your deaf ears.

   I will wish for a change, but as I read in an article today, you can't fix stupid.

Your Favorite Millennial Redundant Taxpayer-

PS, There are about a gazillion more things to be scared about that gay people getting married and women taking birth control....How bout we focus on something that actually posses a threat other than a who is getting a nuva-ring and who isn't-

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

   This is dedicated to all the teachers, coaches, and wretched fools who work with teenagers every damn day. Our society, and a handful of politicians and parents, are hellbent on railing you with a heedless abandon rarely seen in any other profession. You poor souls who must confront the increasingly untamed beasts, also known as our children. Those precious little sparkles in their parents blind eyes, whose un-bounding love causes the most opaque of cataracts. Alas, I feel your pain and would like bring up this not so fun topic.

*Disclaimer: I am not parent. This does not mean I dislike children, I do, just right now I find the little ones to be highly burdensome. It might change, it might not change, but it does not make me evil or any less of  a woman or person in general. It also does not mean I live a less satisfying or shallow life (and while I am at it, it also does not mean I do not know what love it). I most certainly am not trying to give an parental advice, this is merely a public service announcement.

  I understand that most parents do the best that they can and it is great that you do what you do. However, I do fear that there are too many parents who strive to be friends with their children, please don't. I had a strong disdain for my parents as teenager, it is totally normal for your kid to hate you, it probably means you are doing a great job. I have a fantastic relationship with my parents, and have had one for many years (pretty much since I grew up a little and got my head out of my ass). I attribute this to the fact that I did NOT consider them to be my friends as a teenager. On a further note, my mother also did not try to dress like me. When I coached volleyball the most disgusting aspect for me were the moms and dads who dressed like teenagers, did their hair and make-up like teenagers (glitter and shimmery pink lips look laughable on a 40 yr old with a fake tan and horrible dye job). Parent's when you do this you look ridiculous. As I stated earlier, I do not have kids, am 31 years old and clearly do not look like one of the kids I coach or deal with in school. Furthermore, I do not want to. Teenagers have a horrible sense of style generally and they tend to look slovenly or well, like a teen on any given day. Adults should never emulate that.

   Mostly, what I want to make clear here is that I owe NOTHING to your child. I am not sure where that notion developed. The one where I automatically have to bow in respect and admiration to children, where they do not have to do ANYTHING to deserve said respect or admiration other than just exist. On that note society also owes nothing to your child, or you for having a child. We need to have higher expectations of each other. That being said, there are so many things I will do or try to do for your child. I will show up with a smile on my face, will set my expectations clearly and fairly, say please and thank you, and like any normal person will wait for reciprocation. What I will not do is tolerate attitude, snarkiness, bitchiness or some weak ass "bad boy" routine typically displayed by more than a handful of kids on any given day. It is the result of the notion that they are special just because they exist. This could be further from the truth.

    We gain respect in our communities by how we treat others, how we behave, and by our actions. Our existence is defined by who we are and this starts at an early age. What we demand of our children molds them into what they become and when we demand nothing from them, well....What I demand from the kids I deal with is respect, honesty, and decent behavior. I for one do not think I am asking them to particularity over-achieve at anything. I am demanding that they behave like human beings. Also, venturing a guess, I would probably say 95% of adults who work with teenage kids understand the extenuating circumstances that are teenagers. The drama, hormones, over-reactions, etc... and give due leeway, a lot. It is the abuse of this leeway and blatant disrespect practiced  by so many kids these days that is really bothersome. This is the crux of my argument. Can I really be angry with the kids who constantly display this behavior?

  Here is my mantra for dealing with these situations on any given day. "I am not this child's parent, I did not screw up. I just got here (literally and metaphorically). They are angry because they have no limits, expectations, or guidance in there life. Try not be angry with the child, and have sympathy for them because they are not getting what they need from their life at home which is setting them up for failure." This is sad. It is sad mainly because you look around in life, on the roads, in the stores, in your neighborhood, on a plane, etc.. and you see the most awful displays of humanity continually practiced by adults. The careless disregard with which we treat others around us, like we as adults are owed something by the world. It is no wonder our children behave in the same manner. It is hard work being a human, all I am asking is that we teach our children well.

*Another disclaimer...I do know a ton of wonderful children. I am literally surrounded (my neighborhood and friends' kids, family) by some of the most intelligent, caring kids. I have also had the pleasure to coach some of the most amazing young women I know in existence. Everyday I come to the school I work at, I am continually heartened by the actions of many students towards their fellow classmates. They make me so very happy and thankful that I get to be a part of their lives. Those are the kids I owe something to because they have earned it.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Is anyone else tired of Assholes or is just me???

I just spent an amazing 6 days with a fantastic group of people at one of my greatest friends' wedding. The few days with 70+ people there went pretty flawless when you consider what could have happened. In fact the only miserable times I ever faced were obviously on the airplane rides (what I feel like is probably the closest thing to hell in the US) and once at the resort while I stood in line at a restaurant to see if we could get in with a larger party for dinner (which is a pretty impossible feat unless you dole out hundos to the staff everyday). We ended up not getting in for dinner, which was predictable, but anyone there from our group noticed my subtle upset at the situation.OK, it was not subtle, honestly I was irate and it was not because were denied our request. It stemmed from the fact that most of the people in line behaved like craven, mad idiots, hell bent on pushing there way into this restaurant...I have no idea why they wanted in so bad. It was probably the nearest thing to feeling like I was in a pack of dogs fighting over meat as I will ever be. I was overwhelmed with the need to protect my space at all cost. Had I been well versed in some sort of martial arts, the disgusting bastard behind me would have ended up in the shallow pool on either side.

 Now, I do not mind my dog hot breathing my neck, but there is something utterly disgusting about an old fat Italian man doing the same thing to me while I am trying to simultaneously hold my spot in a line quickly becoming one of those trashy scenes from a Walmart on Black Friday, but I was also trying to be patient.  Which when everything was said and done went out the window as I watched the large group of Italian's waddle and sweat to our place in the restaurant. Do you realize how hard it is to hold back vomit as you gag every time a fat old mans distended belly pokes your back? The same rage I felt at their pushiness and the dutiful way they flaunted their mindlessness towards everyone else is the same feeling I get at the Ukrainian situation.

 As far as I am concerned Vladamir Putin is nothing more than that fat old Italian ass. Furthermore, it might be a giant flaw, but I have a really hard time being impressed with people. When I look at a man like Putin and the fat Italian, all I see are sad has-been men, using whatever power and might they have to grasp at what they feel they deserve. The fat man, using his fat tumor of a belly to get to more food that he desires. Putin, a poor excuse, to achieve his ultimate goal of obtaining more power and influence. Do not mistake his intentions, he could care less of the people in Crimea. I do not want people like Putin gaining more power and influence. I hate men like him. Men like him make every ones life living hells. Ukrainians fought for this small revolution. The Ukrainians made it very clear they do not want Putin's puppet doing his bidding in their country. What they did was an admirable feat. Now their own soldiers are trapped in a land governed by their laws.

 But, for those of you who do not know your history. The Crimea problem is not new and no matter how you look at it, Russia has been subverting the relationship between Ukraine and it's Autonomous Republic of Crimea since the USSR collapsed. It is the same bullshit Putin used in South Ossetia and Georgia. It would be akin to the US allowing Cuba to have a port in Puerto Rico, then Cuba slowly trying to take over Puerto Rico from with in. Disseminating Cuban passports, purposely exploiting tense issues between the US and Puerto Rico, and so forth. It is like the chick who is getting used by the asshole. He treats her nice, but only because he needs her for something. That kind of relationship that makes people cringe because you know the guy is a douche and cares little for the chick, but the chick is number one fan of the douche. Crimea....right now, you are the number one fan of a douche.

So the question remains, what is the rest of the worlds plan??? Ohhhhh..ok the EU and US backed out of economic talks in Russia this summer....OMG I am so scared, I bet Putin is too. This is where I need to fess up, I totally identify with the the original Neo-Cons (I love you Jean and William) here, and apparently some modern Republicans. If Putin is going to throw caution to the wind, why can't we? If I was President Obama I would tell the truth. It would be a totally Love Actually moment and I would tell the truth. Truth being simple and I would state, "Vladmir Putin, you are being a dick. Not only are you being a dick, but you are being a sneaky dick. Your problem is that you think you are smarter than everyone else, but you are not. I have no problem calling a spade a spade and that is what you are sir. Now, if you think the world will stand by and watch another USSR in the making, you have been sorely misinformed and should immediately fire your advisers. Already demonstrated by the international markets, Russia is not as strong as you perceive. So I suggest before things get out of hand, and while you are cleaning up the mess of a collapsed stock market and run on your banks, remove your troops from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. You are not God, you are not the "Man behind the curtain." You are mortal and you are a mortal asshole who ignores and exploits the will of the people, period. I hate asshole, I am sick of dealing with assholes. Stop being an asshole!"

Now I doubt either John Kerry nor President Obama will take that route. However, I hold out the Biden or McCain could let something like that slip.