This last week, by far, was one of the most interesting weeks of my life. Aside from my sister-in-law's wedding, there were tons of out of town in-laws I had the joy of meeting for the first time. I also discussed politics and lots of it, with conservatives, my perennial liberal father in-law who is amazingly passionate and well educated on the subject, self described tea baggers and libertarians. As someone who just finished a thesis focusing on political ideology and its relation to the formation of foreign policy, I found it especially interesting to hear what they had to say. I also had the joy of hosting two super fun Australian in-laws, whose drinking almost killed me, but it was totally worth it. As one would expect, especially anyone who has traveled extensively, the Aussies had tons of questions about our wacky political system. Mainly, why did George W. Bush get to be president, followed by, well what the hell is the electoral college, and then why do all hate each other?
Now I pride myself, obviously, on my recent ability to discuss politics without putting my two cents in. That being said...I learned a valuable lesson this weekend. The common American cannot explain the origins of our political system with any sort of indifference to a political ideology. Ask yourself...can I explain the purpose of the supreme court without throwing in the fact that you think they are activists or re-constructionists? Can you discuss current politics without adding the fact that you now think the system is broken or that liberals are better educated or that conservatives care more about family. And I warn you...if you do this to me I will call you out as I did many times this weekend.
As the poor Aussie's get ready to leave America, they are more confused as ever. When American's drink, they interrupt. Imagine explaining the electoral college with a drunk libertarian interrupting you every second, or discussing the merits of NPR or conservative intellectuals with liberals or conservatives butting in. As an American I am sad I could not help them understand better what our system is about, but honestly it is not like anyone else was trying to. They just wanted to get their own belief or ideology known, maybe foolishly they thought they could persuade the Aussies to understand the way they understand politics.
The Aussies on the other had were amazingly proud of the close relations between the two countries, how American generals believed their special operations forces were just as good as American. Also, it may be a little cliche, but also how in general the two countries have worked so closely in the fight against terrorism. So you can understand how confused they were by us, our media and let me get to the point...the stupid euphemisms they heard about the president or other politicians. What is "obamacare?" of more importantly the "Jobs killing healthcare bill?" I am sure there are ones directed towards conservatives that I just cannot think of, probably because of the Republican Presidential candidate debate last night really ground those in my head.
Let me set this straight for you all...the few who read. Regardless of what your persuasion, our system is not broken, our government is not bad, and America is still the nation it always was. Our politicians manufacture these feeling because it helps them become elected or re-elected. We forget about our checks and balances system, our constitution (bc Bachmann has perverted it so badly probably) and all the other things that make America great. If we can restore our confidence in America in general again, we will be as great as ever. If we allow negative, opportunistic politicians and political pundits to destroy our confidence in one of the greatest countries in the world, then God save us (though I am sure I would be left behind) So like I have said before, come on people and demand better. Demand greatness, not negativity, not bitterness and for God-sake demand facts that cannot be disputed (ehem...Republican candidates from the debate last night). It is not lie that if it is too is too good to be true.
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