As the dusts tries to settle from a tumultuous weekend, one in which the likes I never thought I would see in my lifetime, I am stricken by the number of fellow American's who continually insist there are more "sides" to the story. We keep saying that, about everything and I will admit most of the time that is true. But we keep getting stuck on this stupid "sides" thing, a childish tit for tat thing that is used to exploit our current condition, or situation. Yes, sometimes there are two side, both deserving of attention, of explanation, of justification. Sometimes in all the kerfuffle between the "many sides" there is one clearly in the wrong, sometimes one is clearly misunderstood, sometimes, both are making the wrong moves. But, BUT, in Charlottesville this weekend there was only one side. There was a group of monsters met by one side, the American side. And because so many of you are so insistent, so intent, so complacently okay with the narrative that there were two sides, it feels positively important that I try, at the very least, to lay down a logical framework as to why that is NOT the case. Why so many felt betrayed by President Trump's initial remarks and why these wounds are not only scary, but why they will not heal. Not until we get on the "right" side of this, regardless of political affiliation, ideology, religion, skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. When you are up against Nazis, Fascists, and white supremacists, I repeat there is only ONE side to be on.
First of all, the first amendment nowhere states that when making your speech, ideology, public gathering, opinion front and center, that you have the right to not suffer the consequences of said usage of the first amendment. You do not get a soapbox to spout without a rebuttal, whether it be immediate, or forth coming. You do not get to rally your troops for some grand march, or violent display of rage, without having to come face to face with the general public. Some of those in the general public might not appreciate this display, especially if said rage is directed at them. And what's that saying, "don't come to a gun fight with a knife"?? Don't come to your rally dressed in paramilitary gear, with automatic weapons, home-made pepper spray, and display your irrational hatred and expect everyone to roll over like a yellow lab when confronted by a giant mastiff. Most likely because rational people realize, that like little yapping dogs, many of these people's bark are no where near a slight nip. It makes it easier convey they are not wanted, the monsters have no place in our society. Uncivilized miscreants who probably simply cannot get laid, do not deserve an unchallenged voice, ever.
Secondly and probably most importantly, when you lump all these people into "many sides" or "different sides" or "both sides" and when you say they have a right to peaceably demonstrate, "they went through the proper channels" "they have the first amendment right like everyone else," yada, yada, yada, more complacent bullshit. The only thing you are doing there is NORMALIZING their ideology. By treating them like they are just out to say their peace and move on you are being COMPLACENT. They do not have a normal conservative or right-leaning ideology. What they are saying is not normal politicking.They are advocating for the demotion of human beings, your fellow American citizens, into a sub-human species. They are DEMANDING your fellow citizens rights be TAKEN AWAY. They are advocating for the lesser treatment of American taxpayers. STOP NORMALIZING THIS MESSAGE. Standing up to them shows it will not be tolerated. Why is that so offensive to people? After scratching my head all weekend I have come to the conclusion that y'all are just confused or you secretly like/agree/(GASP)benefit from their message so why not continue on with the whole, "Well if the Anti-Fa wasn't there this wouldn't have happened." Well that is just a convenient lie, especially since the American, Heather Heyer, lost her life in a peaceful counter protest where there were no ninja dressed Anti-Fa. You know why she lost her life fighting for the rights of others.........BECAUSE NAZIS, FASCISTS, and WHITE SUPREMACISTS are CRAZY, NOT NORMAL, HORRIFYING. The list can go on and on, but they are anything but a normal American political party with a message worth spreading.
Lastly, I got brown family members, brown and black friends, LGBTQ friends, female friends, I am a female. All of these groups are thought of as less to those who "rallied" nay tried and failed at a show of intimidation on Saturday in Charlottesville. This is PERSONAL, and it is, has and always will be for a majority of Americans. I am proud at those who showed up to counter this utterly disgusting display of weak male-hood in our society. Had we had this kind of participation during the civil rights era, a bunch of young kids probably would not have been murdered by the likes of those KKK, Nazi, Fascists a-holes. Despite how they, and they are a they, they are THE OTHER, perceive their reality, they must know that it will never go down without a fight. Some fights are just worth fighting period. I will NEVER unite with these people and I am having a hard time uniting with those who will make excuses for them. We are one America and that one group who showed up to display that to those people/monsters in Charlottesville was the only side in this story. The end, period. So, if you find yourself ever saying, "but," or "if," or "what about," in a desperate attempt to paint a different "side" of what happened in Charlottesville, just remember who you are defending, Nazis and the KKK. Remember who lost their lives, and remember that America's dignity is at stake.