You know that part in Disney movies where the villain gets their comeuppance and they are rightly destroyed, embarrassed, or accordingly punished? As we get older, reality sets in and the happy endings start to disappear or become more subjective to ones perception. Soon we get to the place were we are watching The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones and boom the best people are decimated and it just seems like evil is winning and there is no hope. The glimmers of hope that do remain are often the young characters who represent not only innocence, but also a changing tide. A new generation that will be different, will be better, because they are not to the cynical point in their lives yet where they see truth, justice and hard work being slayed as if it were a dangerous dragon, or zombie. If they do, they still believe the righteous will hold. It has to and it is that implanted seed in our young that keep people going, fighting. Of course all these stories are just fiction so what does it ultimately matter?
I think in this world, this day and age it really matters. It matters because people have been struggling and fighting to make it each day, week and month. You look from Syria, to Ukraine, to our very own soil in the United States. Struggling and fighting to maintain control of their destiny in a world that is increasingly cold, depressing, and unrewarding. I think there is no greater evidence of that than the statements coming from the recent Davos conference, the Pope, and some in our own government. In finally bringing up the elephant in the room, income equality, world leaders have started to incur the wrath of some of the 1%'s truly most power-hungry, sociopath, paranoid jokes for human beings. And there will be no greater happy ending for me at this moment than seeing Mr. Tom Perkins get his comeuppance.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, I am referring to his recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal comparing the plight of the worlds wealthiest 1% to that of the Jewish population in Nazi Germany. An abhorrent sentiment even to the most cold hearted, this man has single handedly and simultaneously I might add, become a symbol of all that is wrong in this world and rallied more people against his argument. If you want to argue that being wealthy is awesome, and it is, try not to sound like a paranoid delusional scrooge. By comparing himself and the rest of the 1% to the millions of Jewish people slaughtered in WWII, POWERLESS people controlled by a madman, to their plight is incomprehensible. How out of touch does one have to be where that even sounds remotely OK?
Not to mention, the obvious fact of getting up going to work every day, one job or two, barely enough to make ends meat, unable to spend time with family because of jobs, or the inability to get a job you so desperately need and want in order to survive, the argument should provoke such a sense of anger and resentment. And it does! How dare Mr. Perkins talk down to people like you and me, and that is exactly what he is doing. I work every day, pay my bills and try my damnedness to control my little sphere of influence in this world. Yet I feel like I have no voice, no control, no power. Why, because the opportunity is not there for me, just like millions of you out there. The only thing his argument makes me want to do, is throw a rotten egg at his head and hope it knocks him and his kind of their high horses. You can rich, but you do not get to be an asshole.
What Mr. Perkins fails to realize is that income inequality is more than just about money. It is about equality of opportunity, making the world a better place, because here is my one warning to Mr. Perkins and those who defend his train of thought. There are true threats to this world that will effect us all and the sooner we realize this the safer and more prepared we will be. Like the Lannister's in Game of Thrones, do you want to be the among the last to understand where the true danger lies? With all the problems our ONE world is facing a crazy old Ebenezer, who probably sleeps with a wad of his money, can do more damage than good. In his warped mind he fails to realize the that when hard working people are denied the opportunities to advance, or just make enough to survive that is what causes the "divide". It also causes resentment towards people like him, who have a foolishly hard time even just pretending to be grateful, empathic or understanding. The only danger being presented to Mr. Perkins is himself. The only person making me despise Mr. Perkins his himself. The only one diving the people of "different incomes" is Mr. Perkins himself.
I am the kind of person who wants to fight the White Walkers united. One humanity against a group of monsters. I am the kind of person who wants to rally and include everyone possible in a new community to focus on the greatest threat to our existence and kill zombies, damn it. Get what I am doing :) People like Mr. Perkins and those who do not get it, should be dropped right into the middle of Homs and then come back and tell me you are being persecuted like Jewish people on WWII or the innocent women and children who have been trapped in that city for years now. Send him to Kiev to experience the anger of thousands of youths being denied the one thing humans have been fighting for since all of time, the ability to control their own destiny. I dare Mr. Perkins to walk into the Boeing factory in Washington and discuss with the workers what it means to have your pension gone right before your eye, despite all your hard work.
No, being rich is not a bad thing, but being an vile person who obviously can't tell ass from mouth is. Every time someone like this is defended a little party of humanity dies. This is why I have a hard tim with fiction, is that sometimes it seems to real. Here is the irony of it all, if he just sat in his mansion with his mouth shut, I would not think anything of him. In the attention he draws to himself, he reminds me of everyone who struggles, every person whose dream is crushed. He is worse that Randolph and Mortimer Duke combined! Money does NOT make a man. I think Mr. Perkins clearly demonstrated
this, as well as those at the Wall Street Journal editors who stumbled over each
other to rally to his defense.
It is not that I have something important to say, but maybe something that needs to be said?
Friday, January 31, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
In a 2011 interview on NPR, Sandra Aamodt, a neuroscientist had a lengthy discussion about human brain development. In relation to this long blog post (Sorry!) I decided to start with one of her quotes involving the process. In her discussion with the host, she explains that the pre-frontal cortex is only about halfway developed at the age of 18, which ushers in a host of complex issues when we discuss what it meas to be an adult, mainly at what point and when the onus be on us as "adults" to make important decisions. She stated, "the changes that happen between 18 and 25 are a continuation of the process that starts around puberty, and 18 year olds are about halfway through that process. Their prefrontal cortex is not yet fully developed. That's the part of the brain that helps you to inhibit impulses and to plan and organize your behavior to reach a goal" That comment seemed very fitting to describe why I am in 100% support of what the football team at Northwestern University did just this Tuesday.
If you are unaware of what CAPA stands for, it is the College Athletes Players Association, in short a union for college athletes. As a former college athlete myself, I am 100% behind the Northwestern University's football team who recently founded the organization. I support it for many reasons, mainly because the NCAA, our beloved Universities, their administrations and coaches have failed these young athletes in too many ways for too long. The young, but intensely bright beyond his years Kain Colter (quarterback and catalyst) explains it best, "The No. 1 thing that I want to accomplish is to finally give athletes a true voice. They need to finally have a seat at the table when rules and regulations are determined. They need an entity in place that can negotiate on the players' behalf and have their best interests in mind."
The life of a college athlete is increasingly starting at younger and younger ages. 12, 13, 14, maybe even younger for male basketball prospects. It is a long time to be involved in such a corrupt, selfish world, that has little regard for the human behind the athlete.The stress is ruining our children, emotionally wreaking havoc on them at a time when their biggest worry should be what they are going to wear to their first high school homecoming dance. I know this not only as a former athlete, but as a coach and someone who has been involved in numerous sports recruiting experiences. The NCAA acts like they regulate this operation, the coaches act as if they follow these rules. It is like a mutual agreement to pretend rules are being followed. Have you ever been to a NCAA sanctioned basketball tournament? Do you know the security involved in that event, and no it is not because these events are inherently violent. It is merely to keep the vulture coaches away from the young players. Coaches, knowingly and willingly bucking the rules.
Have you ever seen a talented young woman give up on all her extra-curricular activities because she no longer is afforded the "luxury" of playing on her high school basketball team with her friends since grade school, so that she can focus 100% on soccer, volleyball or softball. So that by the time she actually gets her college team she has already torn her acl or rotators cuff. The young man reporting to his football teams pre-season practices with 4 concussions already under his belt. These are kids, trying to get an education and play the sport they love, they are not gladiators here for our financial benefit or entertainment. And before you get all defensive and pissy because they are getting money for school, that is true. I got a scholarship, without it, I would not have been able to attend a college like the one I did. However, I also put in so much time in the gym since I was 12, missed out on a lot in high school, that the least I deserve, as well as all other "student-athletes" is dignity when we got to the place that was supposed be our ultimate goal. Additionally, a majority of college athletes also never become pros making millions, mainly because most sports do not have professional leagues. The ones that do have been making their problems abundantly clear.
The arrests and personal turmoil experienced by so many profession athletes (who seemingly have everything) are so avoidable and so much of the blame, for their actions and self perceptions, lie on the NCAA, the University and their coaches. They have a unique ability to make a difference, to impact these players for the better and help them become mature intelligent you men and women. These should be the first and foremost goal of all sports teams on every college campus across the country. Instead they want the impermanent. They would rather take the win than put in the time and effort to positively impact their players. For basketball, what does that matter, the coach can ship them off to the NBA after a year or two, why put in the effort? I will tell you why you put the effort in, because their actions have consequences that affect not only their lives but the lives around them. Aaron Hernandez will spend the rest of his life in prison, and what about the three lives he is accused of taking, and their families? We are allowing kids with misguided perceptions of the world either due to lack of or because of life experiences. We are not guiding them on how to live a life of meaning. Then we are sending them out, in some cases, with millions of dollars to fend for themselves.
Who can you turn to when the rigors of that age catch up with you? When you start to experience all the basic trials from life? Your fellow teammates are basically just as immature as you, and also going through their own issues. I was lucky, my coaches doors were always open, and even if they did not handle my immaturity in the best way (sorry :( it is just i was really immature ) at least I had somewhere to go. It saddens me when that option does not exist for many of these kids. We need to stop forcing these kids to somehow "rise" above all the feeling and emotions teenagers and people in their early twenties face on a daily basis and remember the fact that they are kids. We can be tough athletes, we can be the toughest of athletes, but we all still have bad days and dark periods in our lives. The ability to grow and mature is not always allowed in the locker room or practice field. This is a dignity that should be afforded to the "student-athlete."
And getting back to the development of the human brain...I should not have to make the point that these are young men and women who still have a fair amount of years to go in their maturity and brain development. Many times they are far from home, susceptible to injury, struggle with school, have a hard time making friends with other students on campus, this list is endless. Are there universities out there that address these issues, yes, but are there universities out there who treat their student athletes like a commodity without giving them the support they so desperately need? You bet your ass there is. The NCAA can say they do everything they can to protect the "student-athlete" but I have seen and personally been involved in the process from many angle and they do not. It is a shame. Do the university's, administrators and coaches take their responsibility for molding a young person more important than their own pride and profit? Unfortunately that remains to be seen in so many programs in so many different sports it is scary.
I have had the privilege to be a "student-athlete" but I also had the misfortune to experience its downside. I have always experienced massive bouts of insecurity and self-doubt, it is a giant flaw that I will openly admit. It has aided me, unfortunately, to make some pretty bad decisions in life. I can say that there are some I regret, but others I do not. If I did not have some smart, wise "real" adult to go to, it would have been infinitely worse. Looking at so many professional athletes who suffer from so many self-destructive behaviors, I grieve for their 19 year old self's. I wish they felt loved and valued instead of exploited. If we can end that, stop that, if every one can be a Richard Sherman or Kain Colter, then we are doing something right. But at the present this is not the case. If that means an independent advocate is there for those kids, than so be it. Someone, not affiliated with either NCAA or University, there to just simply see a kid succeed. Someone at the tournaments to keep the recruiters and coaches from pressuring the young athletes who are just trying to do what they love. I will take that any day over a broken NCAA system.
I will leave you with another poignant quote from Colter, "Money is far from priority No. 1 on our list of goals. The health of the players is No. 1. Right now the NCAA does not require or guarantee that any university or institution covers any sports-related medical expenses. Student-athletes should never have to worry about if their sports-related medical bills are taken care of." (I would also include mental health as well)
Friday, January 24, 2014
I Do NOT Heart Huckabee
In the first "Anchorman" movie after Ron Burgundy blindly reads the teleprompter, telling the people of San Diego to go f*#k themselves he slowly comes to the realization that he did something bad, very bad. As he is trying to leave the station which has been mobbed by the angry citizens of San Diego, Garth Holliday, the stations assistant producer cries out to Ron, "Why'd you have to say that? You come out with stink like that. Poop. Your poopmouth, with poop out of your mouth." I am going to go ahead and say that quote aptly applies to the literal s#!t that spewed from Mike Huckabee's pie hole last night at a winter meeting for members of the Republican National Committee. Below are a few of his utterly timeless and brilliant (obvs sarcastic) quotes about some alleged "War for women."
"Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have a government provide for them birth control medication," he continued. "Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything anyone else can do. Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them.
"And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it," he said. "Let’s take that discussion all across America because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be. And women across America have to stand up and say, 'Enough of that nonsense.'”
Although, there was a little ditty he did about how Republicans need to address income inequality as well, it was totally negating by the unintelligible trash uttered above. I take so many issues, with his inability to address women's rights without insulting women. It is beyond painful to hear white rich, insanely old-fashioned men letting their opinion of women loose. Who wrote this? Was it some sort of PR aide, Huckabee himself, an intern? More importantly, did they think it was good, or correct? Whom ever the genius was, they should be fired. There are so many problems with this speech, it is hard to know where to begin and where to stop, so I will limit myself, no worries. Also, if you are NOT offended by this abhorrent political poetry, do not read this blog because I do not need your audience. If you agree with Huckabee and want to know why I am beyond offended by it, by all means read it, but I will not entertain any comments or disagreements because I am tired of being treated like, oh I don't know, "a victim of my gender."
You know what, lets start there. What the hell does that sentence even mean. Coming from a party that sorely lacks in participation of a diverse group of women, it is utterly laughable. Especially after the absolutely Shakespearean line informing us that Republicans are in fact fighting the, "War for Women." Because, you know, without the Republicans women would not have equal rights, fair wages, maternity leave, the ability to vote, access to education, hell, actually decided their life course for themselves. Seriously Mr. Huckabee and staff, you have to look around at your party, examine some of the things your people say, then you know, lets sit down and talk.
Lets get back to that equality thing and the recognition of it. The republican party, with the inclusion of the religious right all those years back, took away much of our ability to play the game of life in fair manner. Why don't you give us the right to chose what is best for OUR bodies? Oh that's right, it would include so many things besides the abortion issue. Let us get fair healthcare with out an astronomically higher cost than our male counterparts. I take offense that my insurance as a 31 year old woman is higher than some fat f*^k of an unhealthy man all because I was born with a vagina, not by choice, not that I don't love it. Secondly Mr. Huckabee, in your statement you assume that all women taking birth control pills are over-sexed whores that lack the ability to close their legs at the right time, inferring that Democrats not only allow and encourage this behavior but additionally control our bodies as a result. This insistent Republican notion about women who take birth control pills is comically outdated and dangerously uninformed. If you want to fight a "war for women" than I suggest you get behind a damn plan that allows women the basic right to affordable family planning, an obvious issue that affects our lives ten-fold more than men. Again, who ever wrote that should get the boot without severance pay, it is a clear case of basic life skill incompetence and total lack of empathy for the opposite sex.
Also the last time I check, Mr. Huckabee, I do not think it was Obamacare that decides when I ovulate, or menstruate or when I do or do not have sex. (Everyone knows it is a headache that decides that!) That statement alone is the epitome of an illogical point to an illogical argument. As someone with a masters degree I demand that you or whoever wrote this goes back to basic logic 101 course at your local university. You could greatly benefit from it in the future. Basic reproductive rights, and our reproductive system (which is now clear you have no idea what it actually consists of) should be our right and it is the one area that I actually applaud the Democrats for standing-up to the old white dicks who have too much of an opinion on what I do with my "reproductive system." Until the Republican party shuts these a-holes up and ride them out of town on the rails, you do not get to say you are fight a damn "war for women." I think G.W Bush summed if up best, if you are not with us you are against us and YOU are not with us.
So, Mr. Huckabee, yeah I will stand-up and say "Enough of that nonsense!" When people like you, who clearly lack a critical ability to think and speak at the same time, do not exist with a public platform and receive millions of dollars to say non-sensical juvenile ideas that give grown men a stiffer hard-on than a Jenna Jameson flick, disappear only then will women actually achieve the power to claim their body and their rights. The longer you continue with this façade that you actually are for women, the deeper your graves get. Here is a little advice for you Chairman Priebus, if you want to "re-boot" your party, I suggest you make mandatory sophomore biology classes a requirement for the men who want to retain office. It will go longer distance than allowing someone like Mike Huckabee to come to the defense of us poor helpless women being attacked and pimped out by the Democrats. Seriously.
"Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have a government provide for them birth control medication," he continued. "Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything anyone else can do. Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That’s not a war on them, it’s a war for them.
"And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it," he said. "Let’s take that discussion all across America because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be. And women across America have to stand up and say, 'Enough of that nonsense.'”
Although, there was a little ditty he did about how Republicans need to address income inequality as well, it was totally negating by the unintelligible trash uttered above. I take so many issues, with his inability to address women's rights without insulting women. It is beyond painful to hear white rich, insanely old-fashioned men letting their opinion of women loose. Who wrote this? Was it some sort of PR aide, Huckabee himself, an intern? More importantly, did they think it was good, or correct? Whom ever the genius was, they should be fired. There are so many problems with this speech, it is hard to know where to begin and where to stop, so I will limit myself, no worries. Also, if you are NOT offended by this abhorrent political poetry, do not read this blog because I do not need your audience. If you agree with Huckabee and want to know why I am beyond offended by it, by all means read it, but I will not entertain any comments or disagreements because I am tired of being treated like, oh I don't know, "a victim of my gender."
You know what, lets start there. What the hell does that sentence even mean. Coming from a party that sorely lacks in participation of a diverse group of women, it is utterly laughable. Especially after the absolutely Shakespearean line informing us that Republicans are in fact fighting the, "War for Women." Because, you know, without the Republicans women would not have equal rights, fair wages, maternity leave, the ability to vote, access to education, hell, actually decided their life course for themselves. Seriously Mr. Huckabee and staff, you have to look around at your party, examine some of the things your people say, then you know, lets sit down and talk.
Lets get back to that equality thing and the recognition of it. The republican party, with the inclusion of the religious right all those years back, took away much of our ability to play the game of life in fair manner. Why don't you give us the right to chose what is best for OUR bodies? Oh that's right, it would include so many things besides the abortion issue. Let us get fair healthcare with out an astronomically higher cost than our male counterparts. I take offense that my insurance as a 31 year old woman is higher than some fat f*^k of an unhealthy man all because I was born with a vagina, not by choice, not that I don't love it. Secondly Mr. Huckabee, in your statement you assume that all women taking birth control pills are over-sexed whores that lack the ability to close their legs at the right time, inferring that Democrats not only allow and encourage this behavior but additionally control our bodies as a result. This insistent Republican notion about women who take birth control pills is comically outdated and dangerously uninformed. If you want to fight a "war for women" than I suggest you get behind a damn plan that allows women the basic right to affordable family planning, an obvious issue that affects our lives ten-fold more than men. Again, who ever wrote that should get the boot without severance pay, it is a clear case of basic life skill incompetence and total lack of empathy for the opposite sex.
Also the last time I check, Mr. Huckabee, I do not think it was Obamacare that decides when I ovulate, or menstruate or when I do or do not have sex. (Everyone knows it is a headache that decides that!) That statement alone is the epitome of an illogical point to an illogical argument. As someone with a masters degree I demand that you or whoever wrote this goes back to basic logic 101 course at your local university. You could greatly benefit from it in the future. Basic reproductive rights, and our reproductive system (which is now clear you have no idea what it actually consists of) should be our right and it is the one area that I actually applaud the Democrats for standing-up to the old white dicks who have too much of an opinion on what I do with my "reproductive system." Until the Republican party shuts these a-holes up and ride them out of town on the rails, you do not get to say you are fight a damn "war for women." I think G.W Bush summed if up best, if you are not with us you are against us and YOU are not with us.
So, Mr. Huckabee, yeah I will stand-up and say "Enough of that nonsense!" When people like you, who clearly lack a critical ability to think and speak at the same time, do not exist with a public platform and receive millions of dollars to say non-sensical juvenile ideas that give grown men a stiffer hard-on than a Jenna Jameson flick, disappear only then will women actually achieve the power to claim their body and their rights. The longer you continue with this façade that you actually are for women, the deeper your graves get. Here is a little advice for you Chairman Priebus, if you want to "re-boot" your party, I suggest you make mandatory sophomore biology classes a requirement for the men who want to retain office. It will go longer distance than allowing someone like Mike Huckabee to come to the defense of us poor helpless women being attacked and pimped out by the Democrats. Seriously.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Understanding MLK
On my way to work this morning, Milwaukee's local NPR station was having a general discussion about the local going-ons for this MLK Day. It was the usual disappointing glossing over of the subject that we have every year, and you can add the general media into the simplification of day that should mean so much more than a general day of service. When, or if, we look back at the speeches and actions of one of the worlds most prolific men, his passion for change and love of humanity has always stood out most. Never did he preach a "gospel of wealth", about the greatness of life with all the material goods one can possess, and most importantly, he never spurned a person seeking his or her rightful place in this world. He had a vision for the future, and spoke of all the greatness and all the love humanity has to offer. He provided hope and optimism to the oppressed, the working, and chronically poor. He was a beacon of light that things could change, that they should change and what can happen when we all work together for the right and just path.
This is a sad time when the definition of success is getting less and less subjective. Where it is increasingly tied to an ability to buy or entertain things that do not matter, we tend to emphasize the idea that material goods become more important than the human beings who surround us. It might just be my binge watching of Game of Thrones for the last few weeks, but it seems that the evil, the wicked, or the misguided are always winning. Always have the upper hand. Bernie Madoff might be rotting in a prison, but how many years of unfettered luxury did his family live with? Do they feel remorse at robbing people of their hard earned money, or only remorse for being caught? Do the hateful people on reality TV regret their behavior because it was truly the most despicable form of manipulation to gain money or do they regret it because it hurt people? I want to believe that humanity is good and great and all that jazz, but it still seems pop culture hurls the triumphs of injustice into our faces more-so than what is right or important.
So, while I think it is great that some larger local financial institutions are making this a day of service (i.e. they are forcing their employees to do charity and community service in the company's name) like so many across this nation, including our first family, lets not forget what today is about. It is about finding solutions to income inequality. It is about fighting racism and intolerance towards the other. It is about lending a hand to pull up another who needs it. So lets really address that. Instead of one day, these companies and politicians should make a year long effort to address the needs of those in their communities. What are the deficiencies in the schools and universities and how can they be resolved? How can we create programs for kids to stay in school, so one day this company will have a vast pool of qualified workers to chose from? How can we keep our communities clean and involved in the betterment of themselves and their families so our cities can flourish? What program can the government develop in conjunction with the business community that allows low-income students the help they need from kindergarden through college education? How can our medical community address poverty and healthcare issues that will create real long term sustaining changes?
You see, Dr. Martin Luther King JR, was not just about one day of service. He was about a lifetime of service. He scared politicians and the business community because he was looking for answers to solve the issues. Not many people address our problems to the extent they deserve because it is not important. So lets be truthful on his birthday at least. In a country that despises "handouts" one day of service is enough for us to sleep better at night. Tomorrow the companies and politicians who took this day off to clean up a park, work in a soup kitchen, or whatever they did, will wake-up and serve their almighty purpose again, another day another dollar. Success at all cost though is increasingly coming with damaged cities and towns across this country. Addressing the real issues are difficult, but that is a much sweeter success than anything money can buy. If we ask the right questions, pursue the correct avenues, put forth the effort needed, we can solve so many of the problems that are and will continue to hold our country back. We just need someone with hope, a dream, and the guts to stand up for what is important.
This is a sad time when the definition of success is getting less and less subjective. Where it is increasingly tied to an ability to buy or entertain things that do not matter, we tend to emphasize the idea that material goods become more important than the human beings who surround us. It might just be my binge watching of Game of Thrones for the last few weeks, but it seems that the evil, the wicked, or the misguided are always winning. Always have the upper hand. Bernie Madoff might be rotting in a prison, but how many years of unfettered luxury did his family live with? Do they feel remorse at robbing people of their hard earned money, or only remorse for being caught? Do the hateful people on reality TV regret their behavior because it was truly the most despicable form of manipulation to gain money or do they regret it because it hurt people? I want to believe that humanity is good and great and all that jazz, but it still seems pop culture hurls the triumphs of injustice into our faces more-so than what is right or important.
So, while I think it is great that some larger local financial institutions are making this a day of service (i.e. they are forcing their employees to do charity and community service in the company's name) like so many across this nation, including our first family, lets not forget what today is about. It is about finding solutions to income inequality. It is about fighting racism and intolerance towards the other. It is about lending a hand to pull up another who needs it. So lets really address that. Instead of one day, these companies and politicians should make a year long effort to address the needs of those in their communities. What are the deficiencies in the schools and universities and how can they be resolved? How can we create programs for kids to stay in school, so one day this company will have a vast pool of qualified workers to chose from? How can we keep our communities clean and involved in the betterment of themselves and their families so our cities can flourish? What program can the government develop in conjunction with the business community that allows low-income students the help they need from kindergarden through college education? How can our medical community address poverty and healthcare issues that will create real long term sustaining changes?
You see, Dr. Martin Luther King JR, was not just about one day of service. He was about a lifetime of service. He scared politicians and the business community because he was looking for answers to solve the issues. Not many people address our problems to the extent they deserve because it is not important. So lets be truthful on his birthday at least. In a country that despises "handouts" one day of service is enough for us to sleep better at night. Tomorrow the companies and politicians who took this day off to clean up a park, work in a soup kitchen, or whatever they did, will wake-up and serve their almighty purpose again, another day another dollar. Success at all cost though is increasingly coming with damaged cities and towns across this country. Addressing the real issues are difficult, but that is a much sweeter success than anything money can buy. If we ask the right questions, pursue the correct avenues, put forth the effort needed, we can solve so many of the problems that are and will continue to hold our country back. We just need someone with hope, a dream, and the guts to stand up for what is important.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Ode to my Ladies!!!
Part deux! I have been figuring how to form what I want to say, and why, for the better part of the day but have been thinking about the theme in general for a while. Weirdly, inspiration struck as I was watching an old show that I have had mixed feeling about since I "grew-up". The oldie but goodie, "Sex and the City." My issues stemming from the show have always been what I would describe as the unrealistic portrayal of how great casual sex is, a subject which led to many misguided ideas for women who spent the first part of the early twenties in the mid-2000's. However, what I noticed today, another decade older, (and perhaps wiser ;) ) was the group dynamic and friendship between the four leading ladies. This is not something we get to see on TV, especially with the proliferation of reality TV shows which also ties into the "know-it-all" I discussed yesterday.
You see, the reason I feel this is important, being something I have wanted to say for so long, is that I am deathly afraid that these examples, these women, will, or are already, making us forget how to be friends with one another and what it means to actually be a friend. It could be that I am a baby and it affects me more, but I am truly a girls girl. I love hanging out my girls and do it on a regular basis. In fact, it might be my naivety but I get rather sad when women are mean or unfriendly, I am a baby so I digress. But the way women are portrayed, how they portray themselves, is disturbing. It normalized treating each other like crap.
Full disclosure, I love the Real Housewives franchise, well I used to anyways. I just cannot sit down and watch more than 15 minutes without getting angry. I would love for nothing more than my fellow women to rise-up and protest the filthy way they treat each other. But, I know that is never going to happen. They make too much money and we give the Mr. Andy Cohen what he wants, viewers. We claim it is entertainment, and you know what, it used to be entertainment. But now, in this strange reality TV universe where it is unfortunately vogue to treat other women like shit, the show can't go 10 min without one woman superficially attacking another and we cannot turn it off. (Tear :( ) The continued popularity of these shows is reinforcing the industry's portrayal of woman as catty bitches, money grubbing, gold diggers, superficial, and that typical women are evil and easy characteristic we have been fighting for centuries.
Here is what really pisses me off about it. Neither my friends nor myself ever behaves that way. It is not how "real" women operate with each other. I will mourn the day when this behavior becomes actual reality. Because a high majority of the women I know are beyond decent, hard working and amazing human beings, that is fact. That should be portrayed and rewarded. Instead with every new "reality" series created, the behavior of women towards one another becomes worse and worse and worse. I hope and pray that young women are not beginning to think that is ok to treat others that way, like my generation thought casual sex could somehow put us on equal playing field with men. How many young women will have to navigate this cruel world without guidance or friendship because we are unlearning civilized social behavior?
If I could write an ode to my friends, or some advice to Andy Cohen or any of the women from The Real Housewives series, this is exactly what I would say.
I love my friends. They mean the world to me. Their happiness, sadness, insecurities, and confidence affect how I feel because having empathy for our friends is the least we could do. We should experience their feeling or have some idea. Being a friend (as a mature adult) in the least means not judging, at the average accepting them, and at the most being fiercely loyal and vulnerable at the same time. Creating a bond of trust through these actions is noble, or it used to be. Being a friend does not involve manipulation, lying, petty name calling or jealousies. It means being their for the big things, their small things, and discussing the issues that matter. Instead of envy, being truly happy for all that they are blessed with. Women have so much to overcome already, why make it harder?
Life is hard, that is fact, and true friends can make it much easier and much more bearable. Why can't that be portrayed anymore on TV. For all the shows faults, at least "Sex and the City" women had each others back regardless. It is ironic that fiction mirrors reality more than "reality" presently. Women are already ungodly harsh to one another. Look at the "Mommy Wars," or the bloggers I was discussing yesterday or the behavior of some corporate women. All waiting like vultures to peck the eyes out of a weak creature just emerging in the cold world. Lets stop doing this to each other. There is a reason why we have never had a woman president, lack an equal presence in our congress or the corporate boardroom. Women being awful to other women, especially those they call friends just does not help us move ahead in life. It does not matter how much money, how pretty, or who you know, nastiness is still ugly and ugliness destroys the soul. I love my friends and I am not ashamed to say it. I want to seem them be happy in life. I also want to meet new women all the time and become friends with them (I have a bit of extroversion issues) and I want to make them feel good about themselves as well. Furthermore, I would love the opportunity to just discuss this issue with the people who exploit it. I miss the days of Vicki Gunvalson and Jeana Keough having a damn good time together. Those were the times it was true reality. Those are the times and things that are important. Lets start being fantastic to one another and focus on real issues-
You see, the reason I feel this is important, being something I have wanted to say for so long, is that I am deathly afraid that these examples, these women, will, or are already, making us forget how to be friends with one another and what it means to actually be a friend. It could be that I am a baby and it affects me more, but I am truly a girls girl. I love hanging out my girls and do it on a regular basis. In fact, it might be my naivety but I get rather sad when women are mean or unfriendly, I am a baby so I digress. But the way women are portrayed, how they portray themselves, is disturbing. It normalized treating each other like crap.
Full disclosure, I love the Real Housewives franchise, well I used to anyways. I just cannot sit down and watch more than 15 minutes without getting angry. I would love for nothing more than my fellow women to rise-up and protest the filthy way they treat each other. But, I know that is never going to happen. They make too much money and we give the Mr. Andy Cohen what he wants, viewers. We claim it is entertainment, and you know what, it used to be entertainment. But now, in this strange reality TV universe where it is unfortunately vogue to treat other women like shit, the show can't go 10 min without one woman superficially attacking another and we cannot turn it off. (Tear :( ) The continued popularity of these shows is reinforcing the industry's portrayal of woman as catty bitches, money grubbing, gold diggers, superficial, and that typical women are evil and easy characteristic we have been fighting for centuries.
Here is what really pisses me off about it. Neither my friends nor myself ever behaves that way. It is not how "real" women operate with each other. I will mourn the day when this behavior becomes actual reality. Because a high majority of the women I know are beyond decent, hard working and amazing human beings, that is fact. That should be portrayed and rewarded. Instead with every new "reality" series created, the behavior of women towards one another becomes worse and worse and worse. I hope and pray that young women are not beginning to think that is ok to treat others that way, like my generation thought casual sex could somehow put us on equal playing field with men. How many young women will have to navigate this cruel world without guidance or friendship because we are unlearning civilized social behavior?
If I could write an ode to my friends, or some advice to Andy Cohen or any of the women from The Real Housewives series, this is exactly what I would say.
I love my friends. They mean the world to me. Their happiness, sadness, insecurities, and confidence affect how I feel because having empathy for our friends is the least we could do. We should experience their feeling or have some idea. Being a friend (as a mature adult) in the least means not judging, at the average accepting them, and at the most being fiercely loyal and vulnerable at the same time. Creating a bond of trust through these actions is noble, or it used to be. Being a friend does not involve manipulation, lying, petty name calling or jealousies. It means being their for the big things, their small things, and discussing the issues that matter. Instead of envy, being truly happy for all that they are blessed with. Women have so much to overcome already, why make it harder?
Life is hard, that is fact, and true friends can make it much easier and much more bearable. Why can't that be portrayed anymore on TV. For all the shows faults, at least "Sex and the City" women had each others back regardless. It is ironic that fiction mirrors reality more than "reality" presently. Women are already ungodly harsh to one another. Look at the "Mommy Wars," or the bloggers I was discussing yesterday or the behavior of some corporate women. All waiting like vultures to peck the eyes out of a weak creature just emerging in the cold world. Lets stop doing this to each other. There is a reason why we have never had a woman president, lack an equal presence in our congress or the corporate boardroom. Women being awful to other women, especially those they call friends just does not help us move ahead in life. It does not matter how much money, how pretty, or who you know, nastiness is still ugly and ugliness destroys the soul. I love my friends and I am not ashamed to say it. I want to seem them be happy in life. I also want to meet new women all the time and become friends with them (I have a bit of extroversion issues) and I want to make them feel good about themselves as well. Furthermore, I would love the opportunity to just discuss this issue with the people who exploit it. I miss the days of Vicki Gunvalson and Jeana Keough having a damn good time together. Those were the times it was true reality. Those are the times and things that are important. Lets start being fantastic to one another and focus on real issues-
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Talking at Me
It seems as if the world is increasingly filling up with know-it-alls. People who always think they know how to do something or everything better than everyone else and are not ashamed to say it out loud. They are worse than one-uppers, because at least with one-uppers, you can sniff out their insecurity like a ripe fart and easily ignore them. But, the know-it-alls? Well lets just say it seem that it just does not occur to them that maybe they might not know it all after all. These people drive me cray cray. They are the ones with viral blogs unfortunately so they are always shoved down out throats by Huffington Post, Yahoo, or incessantly forwarded by their moon-eyed followers, our friends on Facebook and Google+.
Listen, I love blogs. Coincidentally, I have my own that I forward, unabashedly on both Facebook and Google+. (haha) The things is, nobody really reads it. I also am usually not offering advice, but doing my best to restrain anger or passive-aggressively call someone or some type out who I find annoying. Specifically, what I am NOT doing, is telling you for example, how much I know about weight, body image, parenthood, lack of parenthood, fitness, food, wine, sailing, yoga, or any other topic that allows the know-it-all to condescendingly and coincidentally simultaneously make us feel empowered and ashamed. Here is why I really try to avoid making broad generalization about what I know, and force feeding it to people like I am trying to harvest their livers for foie gras. The first and most important reason is that the only thing I am 100% sure that I know about, is me and what I like, prefer, enjoy, or practice. The second reason, I really know nothing, none of "know" anything for sure. Which is amplified by the fact that we are all different with different experiences. At least that is the philosophy I subscribe to. And lately, all the people who get the soapbox are really starting to piss me off. I think the worst place right now for it, hands down, has to be The Huffington Post.
Now, I have never felt more bad about being me than I do after finish my daily lunch reading of The Huffington Post. Well, in general it pretty much sums up my love hate relationship with liberals and feminists. Sometimes I fancy myself both, and I guess I am in many senses, but there is nothing I hate more than a liberal or feminist telling me how awful I am because I am skinny, blonde, make a little more than minimum wage, am married, do not have kids, think kids should be punished, wear make-up, oh and did I mention because I thin. This last one really gets to me and lately, all they do is project their grievances onto everything and everyone, even Jennifer Lawrence, poor kid. (If you missed the blog totally shaming Jennifer Lawrence and invalidating her feelings and insecurities, keep missing it. Huffington Post should be ashamed for actually posting it) No one is allowed to think differently than they, and worst of all, nobodies feelings are as valid as theirs.
I think the validation, or lack thereof, of peoples feelings is what is really bothersome. Everyone is insecure for some reason or another. But, sometimes in life, we are allowed these little victories. Times when we are involved in something great and it lifts our spirits. These know-it-all bloggers are the ones who take it upon themselves to kick out the legs of our temporary pedestals and then stomp on our faces. Just look at the Elle Magazine's latest cover "photo-gate". The one where, despite Mindy Kaling's moment of feeling glamorous, we are supposed to be outraged because it is only a beautiful picture of her face. Come on we wanted full frontal nudity! Wait, that is not what they want? Oh we are supposed to see "real" (which coincidentally my body type as well is a majority of my family, friends and acquaintances do not fit) representations of women on the cover of a magazine and we are supposed to derive our self worth out if it. Just like Melissa McCarthy, she picked out that damn trench coat, now I do not know what to think so I am going to sit down with a tub of Ben and Jerry's or just walk into ice cold Lake Michigan. I am confused, she loved the cover, she picked the cover out. Why are you counting on Mindy Kaling and Melissa McCarthy to make you happy anyways....lot of weight to put on the shoulders of two ladies. (Shit was that anti-feminist, I just meant that...ah screw it)
I do not get it. I do not know what these people want. But they make me feel like shit for being me and they are really good at it. Apparently we are supposed to derive our self-worth from outside sources, like them ironically. Know-it-alls seem feed off people who feel like they need outside validation. It is not ironic, they get attention from it. So, I am not fat, nor do I have washboard abs, so I am neither accepted by the fat bloggers, nor the fitness (they are crazy) bloggers. So what do I do? I do not have kids, so I am shamed by the mommy bloggers who constantly feel the need to defend their parenthood choices, but I also have not totally written off having kids, so no go with the Cruella De Ville childless groups. The thing is though, if you sniff harder can smell out their insecurities as well, even if they can't on their own. Constantly feeling, subconsciously, that you have to defend your life choices by making others feel bad, is definitively a characteristic of this type. So, do you feel bad for them and brush them off? Or should we waste our breaths and tell them where to stick it?
Listen, I love blogs. Coincidentally, I have my own that I forward, unabashedly on both Facebook and Google+. (haha) The things is, nobody really reads it. I also am usually not offering advice, but doing my best to restrain anger or passive-aggressively call someone or some type out who I find annoying. Specifically, what I am NOT doing, is telling you for example, how much I know about weight, body image, parenthood, lack of parenthood, fitness, food, wine, sailing, yoga, or any other topic that allows the know-it-all to condescendingly and coincidentally simultaneously make us feel empowered and ashamed. Here is why I really try to avoid making broad generalization about what I know, and force feeding it to people like I am trying to harvest their livers for foie gras. The first and most important reason is that the only thing I am 100% sure that I know about, is me and what I like, prefer, enjoy, or practice. The second reason, I really know nothing, none of "know" anything for sure. Which is amplified by the fact that we are all different with different experiences. At least that is the philosophy I subscribe to. And lately, all the people who get the soapbox are really starting to piss me off. I think the worst place right now for it, hands down, has to be The Huffington Post.
Now, I have never felt more bad about being me than I do after finish my daily lunch reading of The Huffington Post. Well, in general it pretty much sums up my love hate relationship with liberals and feminists. Sometimes I fancy myself both, and I guess I am in many senses, but there is nothing I hate more than a liberal or feminist telling me how awful I am because I am skinny, blonde, make a little more than minimum wage, am married, do not have kids, think kids should be punished, wear make-up, oh and did I mention because I thin. This last one really gets to me and lately, all they do is project their grievances onto everything and everyone, even Jennifer Lawrence, poor kid. (If you missed the blog totally shaming Jennifer Lawrence and invalidating her feelings and insecurities, keep missing it. Huffington Post should be ashamed for actually posting it) No one is allowed to think differently than they, and worst of all, nobodies feelings are as valid as theirs.
I think the validation, or lack thereof, of peoples feelings is what is really bothersome. Everyone is insecure for some reason or another. But, sometimes in life, we are allowed these little victories. Times when we are involved in something great and it lifts our spirits. These know-it-all bloggers are the ones who take it upon themselves to kick out the legs of our temporary pedestals and then stomp on our faces. Just look at the Elle Magazine's latest cover "photo-gate". The one where, despite Mindy Kaling's moment of feeling glamorous, we are supposed to be outraged because it is only a beautiful picture of her face. Come on we wanted full frontal nudity! Wait, that is not what they want? Oh we are supposed to see "real" (which coincidentally my body type as well is a majority of my family, friends and acquaintances do not fit) representations of women on the cover of a magazine and we are supposed to derive our self worth out if it. Just like Melissa McCarthy, she picked out that damn trench coat, now I do not know what to think so I am going to sit down with a tub of Ben and Jerry's or just walk into ice cold Lake Michigan. I am confused, she loved the cover, she picked the cover out. Why are you counting on Mindy Kaling and Melissa McCarthy to make you happy anyways....lot of weight to put on the shoulders of two ladies. (Shit was that anti-feminist, I just meant that...ah screw it)
I do not get it. I do not know what these people want. But they make me feel like shit for being me and they are really good at it. Apparently we are supposed to derive our self-worth from outside sources, like them ironically. Know-it-alls seem feed off people who feel like they need outside validation. It is not ironic, they get attention from it. So, I am not fat, nor do I have washboard abs, so I am neither accepted by the fat bloggers, nor the fitness (they are crazy) bloggers. So what do I do? I do not have kids, so I am shamed by the mommy bloggers who constantly feel the need to defend their parenthood choices, but I also have not totally written off having kids, so no go with the Cruella De Ville childless groups. The thing is though, if you sniff harder can smell out their insecurities as well, even if they can't on their own. Constantly feeling, subconsciously, that you have to defend your life choices by making others feel bad, is definitively a characteristic of this type. So, do you feel bad for them and brush them off? Or should we waste our breaths and tell them where to stick it?
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