Ladies and Gentlemen,
This post is dedicated to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, our revered yet incompetent Congress, and to the citizens of the US, especially those who continue to fight for our freedom either literally or through civil duty and community involvement, because you deserve better than what is representing our government today-
This post is a plea. In the last few weeks of insanity I have been drive multiple times to avoid the news, avoid peoples' Facebook posts, and in general to drink copious amounts of "forget everything fluid" also known as wine. Some days, well most days, I have the distinct feeling that we all live in a bizzaro world. Past the point to flabbergastation (yes I just made that up) I would rather be a character in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs than a real life character dealing with the heap of bullshit here on earth in this great country with our great democrazy (it is not longer democratic) government.
Increasingly these past few years it really has almost seemed like giant meatballs, cheeseburgers, and cupcakes are being hurled at us on a daily basis from some rogue invention. And I really hope I do not have to spell out that allegory (or metaphor, however you want to see it) for you. The fact of the matter remains that it feels more and more like I have less control of my life, my future, my finances, and the direction in which I would like to live my life. This really makes me angry. It really makes me angry because it is a compounding problem. You see I am a really MODERATE person. I mean I am from MN so shaking my head in disgust really passes for passionate behavior in our state. No one speaks for me or any one of my ilk as of late. I am not hollering at rallies, or holding up derogatory, disrespectful signs directed an a opposing political party. I am not clapping, crying, or convulsing in ecstasy at a speech given by a poisoned tongued politician whose only purpose is to insult, denigrate, and in general sharpen their megalomaniacal teeth. And neither is a majority of other Americans.
Here are what normal American citizens do on a daily basis, SCOTUS and Congress, if you forgot:
We wake-up every morning. We make coffee (paid sales tax on it) and get our kids ready to the school that our property taxes pay for. We shower with our paid public utilities water, dry our hair with the electricity that we buy and get into our cars and go to work. On our way we might stop for gas, price dependent on each individual states gas tax. Then we work all day, of which part of our money earned goes to social security, Medicare, state, and federal taxes, which all pay for you guys. Which is fine, but we pay for you to do your jobs. Having house, car, and student loan payments plus children on top are freaking expensive. So we do what we can to get buy. I am NOT going to apologize on behalf of the American public for NOT being able to afford more to allow you to be elected. You should be a stand up person enough, have a good message, not rely on the "well-funded" machine to get you where you need to be. But, once you get there, we pay for you to do your job. So do your freaking job and listen to us. The squeaky wheel may get the grease but that does not mean they deserve or need enlightened human beings with what passes for a soul you should be able to distinguish this. Apparently you cannot.
Here are non-normal American citizens do on a daily basis, SCOTUS and Congress, I know you are very familiar with it:
Seriously, if there is one piece of evidence for the justification of campaign contribution limits, these idiots have just presented it (SCOTUS SERIOUSLY?) How come not one of you has asked me for my opinion on it? I would love to sit down with my congressmen, Rep. Paul Ryan and Senator Ron Johnson and have an in-depth conversation about things. See where they are truthfully coming from and have them listen to me. I have a master's degree in history and part of my thesis on political ideology, I think I can hold my own. But because I cannot afford to donate millions of dollars, all of which was catalyzed by business not started by them, but inherited, they get to tell you what they think? Furthermore you actually too the time to seek out this information like some idiot minion. Their opinion and ideas are infinitely more important than the rest of ours because we can only afford to spot you a 20 or 100 here or there? Well you know what F U...all you are, are a bunch of soulless nitwits who could care less about your constituencies', so do us all a favor and stop pretending that you do.
Like I said...This makes me REALLY REALLY angry
It is not that I have something important to say, but maybe something that needs to be said?
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
We are all NUTSO
It seems that, as of late, I have had a lot of experience with over-zealous crazy people. For example, everyday on my way to work I pass a grade school just off a county highway. The posted speed limit is 45 and there are always cops there. So I religiously go 45mph even in the summer when school is out. I probably drive past this school 6 times a week. Yet everyday there is a man who lives across the street yelling at everyone to slow down with a megaphone, or he is standing in his driveway with a speed gun. At first it made me angry that he was assuming I was speeding. Then I changed my tactic and flashed the number 4 and 5 to demonstrate that I was in fact going 45. This morning he yelled at me to slow down in his megaphone, again. So I just waved. There is no way, even with the evidence put forth, that I can ever convince him that myself and many others are not speeding through the area. He is so convinced of what he is doing that you just cannot tell him otherwise. Same goes for the crazy German lady Ed and I had to "pleasure" of sitting near at the yacht club's bar. Throughout our interaction, it was plain to see that she was a nut job, but Ed and I listened to her rantings smiling, nodding, and not uttering 1 word. (And yes for those who know me....I did NOT utter one word) Even when she randomly started insulting me because of the way I look (I know I have a mild case of Bitchy Resting Face, but come on) and because my hands were cold, I still did not say anything. You know why? It would not have mattered. You can not have a rational conversation with crazy, much less convince them that there is a possibility they could be mistaken.
These interactions hurt my feelings, even though I know they should not. I did nothing wrong in either case. These people feel so strongly in whatever notion that they are willing, or unaware, that their actions impact other people adversely or they just do not care. I guess, terrorist are kind of like that too. They do not care who they hurt, kill or maim. They feel so strongly about their mission that they will carry it through to the end. No matter how unreasonable or irrational. It is why we do not negotiate with terrorist. Right? Are we going to free all the prisoners at Guantanamo if terrorist overrun a place and take some hostages? No. It is why terrorist make bad statesman. I mean look at how poorly it went with Hamas and the PLO, competing governing body's with essentially the same end goal. They feel so strongly about their cause, but have such opposing yet strong convictions about getting there. So what the poor Palestinians lack is a strong, united, leadership body. It is funny that we have something in common with the Palestinians huh??
The definition of statesmanship is as follows;
These interactions hurt my feelings, even though I know they should not. I did nothing wrong in either case. These people feel so strongly in whatever notion that they are willing, or unaware, that their actions impact other people adversely or they just do not care. I guess, terrorist are kind of like that too. They do not care who they hurt, kill or maim. They feel so strongly about their mission that they will carry it through to the end. No matter how unreasonable or irrational. It is why we do not negotiate with terrorist. Right? Are we going to free all the prisoners at Guantanamo if terrorist overrun a place and take some hostages? No. It is why terrorist make bad statesman. I mean look at how poorly it went with Hamas and the PLO, competing governing body's with essentially the same end goal. They feel so strongly about their cause, but have such opposing yet strong convictions about getting there. So what the poor Palestinians lack is a strong, united, leadership body. It is funny that we have something in common with the Palestinians huh??
The definition of statesmanship is as follows;
1: one versed in the principles or art of government; especially : one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government or in shaping its policies
2: a wise, skillful, and respected political leader
Wikipedia describes it as, "the practice of a Statesman, usually a politician or other notable
public figure who has had a long and respected career in politics or
government at the national and international level. As a term of
respect, it is usually left to supporters or commentators to use the
term. When politicians retire, they are often referred to as elder
statesmen. Statesmanship also conveys a quality of leadership that
organically brings people together and of eldership, a spirit of caring
for others and for the whole." In Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, he believed it consisted of, "A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman."
It is by those definitions that I ask if anyone in our governing body, this on the first day of our impotent government, honestly lives by these standards? Do they lead both you and your neighbor from a different political party equally and honestly? In an ideal world, I would demand that you answer these questions organically. But I cannot, because, this is no longer an ideal world. It is a world where we can no longer bite our tongues with the civility practiced by former generations. We allow an inner fury and emotion, either genuine or manufactured, to spew from our comments, expectations, and actions towards others. We are so convinced in our convictions that it no longer matters nor is it no longer visible that we hurt others. It is unfortunate that we believe our civic duty to demand our wants and needs that we have lost sight of what actual civic duty entails.
I am disappointed in myself for feeling that they only course of action is disengagement. It is also the point where I realize that we no longer can blame the politicians for their inability to govern or be statesmen. Long gone are the days when rational and insightful debates can take place. Where wit and intellect ruled the day. We have given way to sharp tongued demagogues and megalomaniacs who rue the very basic tenets of logic and civility. We now live and die by the sword that anyone can govern, regardless of their basic maturation and skill level when convened in the greatest of all American institutions....our Congress. It is we who put them there. It we who demand certain behaviors. It is us and it saddens me. I am 100% convinced that most American's want the best for our PEOPLE. We have the same end goals for the most part. The ability of true statesmen is to "organically bring us together" to figure out how we can be the best that we can to move our country forward. So again, I ask, does your statesman/woman lead you and your neighbor together equally and honestly? Do they understand you and your neighbors diverse needs and are they mature and skilled enough to reconcile and make the hard choices demanded of them? What message are you giving them? It is high time for an introspection of our convictions, because they are much different than our values and morals. A divided government is not what makes America great. That is not democracy and we need to remember that divided we will fall.
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